Comment 39702

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted April 13, 2010 at 10:03:54

The same time thing happened to me the other day, too - it's not consistent. But take a look at the time of your post - 8:40 am. You actually posted at 9:40 am, right?

Note: I just made a successful edit even though the time of the posting is an hour off.

Manufactured junk is literally cheaper and more accessible than fresh, healthy food.

It's certainly cheaper than fresh, healthy prepared food. But let's talk about specific examples.

Is a bag of chips cheaper than hash browns (a few potatoes, an onion and some cooking oil)? Is a box of KD (with margarine and milk) cheaper than a plate of spaghetti carbonara (pasta, an egg, a bit of bacon, a clove of garlic, a bit of parmesan)? Is a box of cookies cheaper than half a dozen apples? Is Honeycomb with milk cheaper than porridge (oatmeal, butter and honey or sugar)?

As for the kitchen situation - well, that might be a problem. But I really don't know very much about the demographics of poverty. We mostly talk in rival anecdotes and aggressively framed statistics, don't we?

Comment edited by moylek on 2010-04-13 09:05:18

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