Comment 39696

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted April 13, 2010 at 08:58:48

But no worry right, since the government has now cut the special diet, you will see more people in trouble and having to access more health services just because they cannot afford the fresh healthy food that they need.

And here we get to an example near the heart of the problem. Healthy food is cheap. Carrots, oatmeal, frozen spinach, onions, dried beans, garlic, potatoes, tinned fish, cabbage, salt, pepper, dried herbs, flour, eggs, tinned tomatos, even bacon and milk ... all cheap, cheap, cheap and even the poorest parts of town have good grocery stores with plenty of fresh food (Food Basics by the Barton Jail, No Frills near Victoria, the farmers market).

Let us be honest: money is not the biggest problem when it comes to healthy eating. Nor for some - those on welfare, for example - is time. The problem is ... well, I'm not sure, really. Knowledge? Training? Experience? Motivation? Priorities? Despair? Sloth? Some deadly mixture of these?

I'm not assigning blame. But I am asking that we talk honestly about why people don't eat so poorly that their health - and the health of their children - suffer.

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