Comment 39694

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted April 13, 2010 at 08:29:33

Moylek writes: As for Eat the Math - it's not relevant; it's a publicity stunt. How many people on welfare or among the working poor would have to resort to eating only food bank rations?

Well actually most people on welfare use the foodbanks, since the amount they receive is not sustainable, in most cases, it barely pays shelter costs, never mind food, transportation, personal needs. The number of people who are the working poor are using the food banks more too, as costs have risen yet wages have not. Though the foodbanks do use MEANS testing, and deny many from getting access to food.

Yes, there are some people out there who try to help but there are also those who work who use threats and intimidation against those who struggle as well. As a doctor who spoke at a forum on poverty and health, this person stated that they do not learn about the system until they are out working and even then, the medical practioners are stymied by the welfare system. Those doctors who tried to get their patients more money under special diet, saw themselves and their records under scrutiny.

But no worry right, since the government has now cut the special diet, you will see more people in trouble and having to access more health services just because they cannot afford the fresh healthy food that they need.

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