Comment 39488

By g. (anonymous) | Posted April 06, 2010 at 16:59:35

i envy all of you the luxury of not knowing the dark side of outdoor patios when located near to residential areas. they can work well and be frequented by quiet respectful patrons and run by conscientious management BUT they can also be a nightmare for people trying to sleep. people talking loudly at night outside your home is unbelievably annoying. people yelling and partying is beyond intolerable.

with not an ounce of hyperbole i say, i wouldn't wish a bar patio locating next door on my worst enemy.

the rights of homeowners to enjoy their homes should not be trumped by a businesspersons desire to make money. i ask any of you, would you want a 25 person patio next door to your home or in your backyard? then think about the people who do. i can guarantee that joe catanzano does not live above his establishment. would you live in hess village?

i envy all of you your innocence.

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