Comment 39209

By pedestrian 101 (anonymous) | Posted March 27, 2010 at 16:45:07

Slightly off topic - I was planning to go to a meeting at the Hamilton Beach Rescue Unit (on Beach Blvd) Sunday evening. Since the bus only runs about every 45 mins in the late evening, I thought that if I miss the #11 bus I could simply walk along Beach and then along Woodward to Barton to catch the Barton bus. Nothing simple about it! I quickly changed my mind about walking when I mapped Woodward St, between Eastport Dr and Burlington St with Google maps. There's a sidewalk along only side of Woodward which disappears when you have to cross a lane of highway-like traffic to get to the median so you can continue walking along Woodward. The sidewalk resumes several meters after the stoplights. Highly unsafe to be walking this area during the day, much less in the evening. My suggestion to city hall street planners is to have a person on staff who does not get around by car.

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