Comment 39102

By A (anonymous) | Posted March 24, 2010 at 13:15:54

Good job Matt. Well said. Sometimes it takes to the point of anger, upset and WORDS = action to set something in motion. To provoke a response. The lack of this consortium to communicate effectively with the community is a lost opportunity for them. Now they're on the defensive -- trying to now work on the offensive. You've gone this far, now you must continue. They seemed disorganized to me and are grasping at straws. There is appears to be little true vision and spirit to bring the RC back to it's former glory. It's all fine now to say that's what they want to do, but in essence, I see no action towards this goal. They have deep pockets and run in high roller circles. Come on now, this is a dream investment I'd say to really work with the city. If the city does nothing to push and ignite recovery for downtown -- and the RC as THE historic grand hotel destination -- then I guess we really are closed for business.

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