Comment 39100

By Dave Kuruc (anonymous) | Posted March 24, 2010 at 12:54:27

Jason - I am a huge fan of places like The Brain and My Dog Joe opening on James North. We need places like this that are open later hours and bringing people down here to eat and drink. But I'm afraid the way The Spec and Brad framed it was that this place was the next Mecca for drinking holes.

The Spec had no right to publish a story that has no base to it. The economies of bars are such that they can easily make their money back quicker on an investment than shops such as ours or galleries can ever imagine doing in such a tight timeline. That's why people open up bars - they make money.

Shops and other retail oriented storefronts take longer to establish themselves - even at 5 years - we are only hitting our stride and learning from our past mistakes and looking forward to future opportunities in our business. But I have no interest in being part of a bar district - this is not NIMBYISM - this is "I and others have worked too hard on James North to let short term interests ruin a good thing" ism.

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