Comment 39093

By Dave Kuruc (anonymous) | Posted March 24, 2010 at 12:00:57

Jason and others who want another bar district in town - I just want to let you know I would sell my building and move my business (Mixed Media) - if James North was to become that. Has no one read Jane Jacobs around here? Don't you understand what is happening on our interesting little stretch?

There are already way too many places to get a drink here - perhaps we can start by looking at those places first if folks are looking for a bar in the neighbourhood. A great street is not just one thing - if Hamilton has failed anywhere is the reliance on a mono-culture.

Why do we need a rival to Hess? Why do we insist calling Ottawa Street the new Locke Street? Why is James North tagged as the Art District?

This isn't a healthy way to rebuild the city. We need neighbourhoods that have a little bit of everything that make living and visiting a pleasurable experience.

My wife and I have been working on James North for almost 5 years and we went from renting a space initially to buying and renovating a depressed building to house not only our business but other small shops that contribute to the life of the street. Our next step is finishing our upper floors to continue that contribution to James North. We are serious about renewal - but also understand to make this place happen again - it needs to be a slow and proper growth.

Before you all jump on this - when was the last time you came down here and supported the existing businesses? I wish folks would celebrate the journey - the finish line ain't what it's cracked up to be.

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