Comment 38983

By John Neary (registered) | Posted March 22, 2010 at 20:41:49

Sean: You only covered half of the story. There are no lights at Ferguson and Barton, either.

Our governments spent $4.6 million on the Ferguson Avenue bridge over the CN tracks.

Spending $4.6 million on a pedestrian and bike route without providing traffic lights at major intersections is analogous to building the Red Hill with stop signs at each crossing. It completely defeats the purpose of the exercise.

(Hey, I made an analogy to the Red Hill without trashing it!)

Incidentally, the idea that Ferguson will become a pedestrian route is a joke. There's nothing on Ferguson. A much nicer north/south route from the water to the mountain in that part of town is Mary/Walnut. (The bridge on Mary is much lower, for one, and there are better streetwalls and fewer vacant lots and derelict properties.) However, since it's apparently really important for Mary Street to be one-way, Ferguson does have a niche as a cycling route.

This is primarily a cyclability fail.

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