Comment 38967

By Kiely (registered) | Posted March 22, 2010 at 16:27:13

As I said in the "Where are the Goal Oriented Leaders" thread. Politics is not a good guy's game. This city needs to start taking a "s%#& or get off the pot" attitude with what you have accurately described as speculators Matt. This city needs to start taking extraordinary measures with the full slate of tools available to it (and perhaps even consider some more) in order to force the development this city has been waiting for to happen. If said speculators want to continue to sit on buildings until they finally crumble from neglect the city must step in and simply seize the properties back.

I have a firm belief that you teach people how to treat you and that goes for people, groups, cities, etc... Through a unique personality that combines: pride, hope, low self esteem, desperation and a dash of hopelessness, this city has taught people to treat it like a door mat. It is time for that to change and standing up and taking the type of stand you propose here would be a good start.

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