Comment 38958

By Kiely (registered) | Posted March 22, 2010 at 10:02:51

"More roads/Kiely...I like the idea but wouldn't that area require some sort of remediation? Lord knows what's in the ground around there. Great points earlier Keily..." - Frank

Yes, there would be obvious challenges but it should be a goal of the city to convert that land. Frankly, it may not be able to be done. For one, US Steel still keeps up the masquerade that it is a functioning plant, then the money needs to be found to buy the land (if it goes up for sale) and clean the land. As you said, Lord only knows what will be in the ground there. It would be great for the city to convert that land though, it is hard to argue with that... unless you work for Stelco of course.

Thanks for the kudos Frank.

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