Comment 38911

By Michelle Martin (registered) - website | Posted March 20, 2010 at 09:35:06

but after a dozen of my friends got robbed at knifepoint by a pair of crackheads in a home invasion right by the Victoria St. ramp, I definitely wouldn't live there

I remember when we were looking to buy here, we saw an absolutely gorgeous large house in that area, and the size was a little more suited to our bunch than the house we ultimately bought. However, the house needed a lot of work-- no one had been paying any attention to it-- and the neighbourhood was even rougher than the one we had left in Toronto, so we turned our attentions to the other side of Gage Park instead.

One wonders how nice it could work if they simply let those neighbourhood kids put murals up on the big ugly concrete ramp, instead of the endless cycle of painting and tagging that goes on there now.

Anyone remember that combox discussion way back about establishing an informal art show for young artists-- maybe this would be a place. Only there'd probably have to be occasional road closures to give the public a chance to walk around and enjoy it...

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