Comment 38247

By Meredith (registered) - website | Posted February 19, 2010 at 23:12:16

Grassroots, my apologies if you feel I was coming across too strong about minimum wage -- I think we can agree on that as far as Maple Leaf goes, it's not the kind of jobs Hamilton needs to attract, and that's the main reaction I have to this whole thing. We can also agree that "minimum wage" is a safeguard put in place, not the ideal scenario for anyone. The "living wage" increases are not ideal, but it is a much better deal than it was a few years ago.

We need better-paying jobs. And the industrial park is here, so "what's the best-case that can happen now" is the question at this point. I would like to hear your ideas about solutions. What are the jobs that you think Hamilton needs? What industries do pay good wages for those with a small amount of skill, and what industries train workers on the job and treat workers fairly?

Also, please keep in mind before talking about me again.... I still live on below minimum wage. I would LOVE to have the equivalent of a 40-hour work week at minimum wage to live on. That's more than J and I live on in a month, combined.

Most of my skills and education have other benefits, but I DO NOT make wages or salary from them at this point. I only get a stipend. That... almost covers my grocery bill. That's why I keep increasing both my education and skills in other areas.

I don't want to get sucked into another conversation about this, and I certainly don't want to draw your ire... let's agree on what we can agree on, please, and leave it at that.

Comment edited by Meredith on 2010-02-19 22:18:14

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