Comment 38066

By geoff's two cents (registered) | Posted February 16, 2010 at 00:16:50

^I'm not rich, and I think the Olympics are a blast! There's a ton of stuff to do in the city that doesn't cost a dime, and I see I'm not the only one who isn't rich out enjoying the free pavilions and free big-screen live celebrations. Moreover, it's no secret that Skytrain is basically free (no one's checking tickets, according to Translink's CEO), thus taking care of mobility expenses, and the free washroom facilities scattered throughout the city mean that you don't necessarily have to be a restaurant customer to use one.

The Olympics have resulted in a massive boost in social housing construction in the DTES and elsewhere. Ironically, believe it or not, this has a lot to do with attracting (otherwise indifferent) corporate advertising dollars. Nobody wants to see the DTES on live international television as it was a decade or so ago; thankfully all three levels of government have responded with some impressive projects, some of which are only now underway. Housing won't solve the issue of addiction (what is often said to be the primary problem here), but it's a start. At least we have a mayor (no longer the wheelchair-bound fellow) who is dedicated to the issue.

I agree to some extent regarding the environment. I was disappointed to see a four-lane highway to Whistler instead of commuter rail service. The latter would have made it a lot greener and more accessible for everyone.

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