Comment 37880

By Kiely (registered) | Posted February 07, 2010 at 13:44:15

"Let's stop digging ourselves deeper into debt and start saving for the future. If Hamilton stopped swinging for the fences with grand ideas and simply took care of the basics." - A. Smith

LRT is hardly a "grand" idea... well, maybe to a Canadian it is. For most other cities in the world it IS a basic. This is a country (not just a city) that is in great peril of falling behind globally due to analysis (or polar argument) paralysis. The rest of the world is charging ahead (specifically Asia) investing in modern infrastructure, infrastructure IS what enables and drives the economy. If we do not invest we will be left behind. Plus, in the long term, and that is what we need to be planning and saving for, LRT will be more cost effective, (a basic life cycle cost would reveal that), so you're not spending you are investing.

Sometimes when I come back to Canada after travelling and seeing how other places solve problems and invest in solutions and I read some of the irrational, nimby, status quo arguments that many Canadians embrace, I am amazed we ever made it out of grass huts in this country.

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