Comment 37874

By michaelcumming (registered) - website | Posted February 06, 2010 at 11:20:40

In addition to the factors of primitive needs vs. higher level thinking, and people speaking in support of their own economic interests, I also think another factor is simple xenophobia - fear of outsiders and their zany ideas.

People who support this LRT business seem to some Hamiltonians to be outsiders who wish to disrupt the status quo. This status quo may appear dysfunctional and bizarre to outsiders, but to many Hamiltonians it is cozy and dependable.

The fact that the pro-LRT types can provide articulate reasons why the LRT would help Hamilton may just be more evidence of their outsider status. These smartypants are not like us! Or, as the English say 'NQU: not quite us.'

Eventually, with work, community interactions and dialog, outsiders become insiders, if they have the stamina to put up with all the hoops along the way. Hamilton will surely improve over time. However, the opportunity cost while this happens (if it happens) may be too steep for some.

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