Comment 37868

By MarkWhittle (registered) - website | Posted February 05, 2010 at 18:19:28

How many city Councillors are supporters of LRT, and will say so publicly, besides Mayor Fred? Truth seems to get more down votes than speculation as to the benefits, there are good and bad examples of LRT all over the world, LRT is not inherently evil, this we know. Hamiltonians should make this a ballot question for the municipal election in the fall. If there's a solid business case supporting this, I'm all for it, so would be investors and banks. As they say, Metrolinx should show Hamilton the money, or put an end to the speculation. This is the key, without that funding, LRT will not happen in Hamilton. Let the thumbs down vote fest begin.

Comment edited by MarkWhittle on 2010-02-05 17:20:48

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