Comment 37824

By TD (registered) | Posted February 04, 2010 at 13:52:32


It is obvious that there are rational, economic reasons to oppose LRT. Anyone whose business relies on Hamilton's car-centric design appears to have little to gain from LRT and potentially much to lose. However, rational, economic arguments are rarely employed by opponents of light rail. Instead, we hear fearful prognostications unsupported by any data. Of course, proponents of light rail often fall prey to the same fallacies; suggesting that light rail will make life in Hamilton "immeasurably better" is more wishful thinking than hard fact. Personally, I'm afraid that light rail won't happen - I guess my lizard brain is at work here, too. Of course, I knew from the start that it was involved. It always is, whenever something shiny and futuristic is in the cards for this dingy old town.

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