Comment 37601

By swanway (anonymous) | Posted January 29, 2010 at 23:04:14

It seems to me that, like my dear old Dad was wont to say, between curses and lunges at the wheel while teaching me how, that driving is a privilege not a right. Unfortunately, the majority of drivers have become convinced that motor vehicle ownership and the fullest use of the public road is theirs by God given right, period. I'm not talking about the small minority of careless people who are found among walkers, cyclists and drivers alike. I'm talking about the apparent majority of drivers who simply won't accept that the many, many problems caused by the automobile should be mitigated by constraining the use of the automobile. The streets are public spaces. They used to be for people, dogs and horses, then they were given over largely to horse drawn transport and the massive pollution that entailed, and now they have been surrendered to the car. Pedestrians and cyclists should take them back. It is very difficult to make any headway on this issue. We have been trying for five years to have the City of Hamilton make one neighbourhood, one single neighbourhood, a 30K zone for a 2 year trial period, that's all, just a trial...No amount of information, overseas precedents, no example, no argument prevails against those raised in the religion of C

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