Comment 37594

By woody10 (registered) | Posted January 29, 2010 at 18:45:49

The day they installed the light and changed the speed etc. on Cootes we at work said, "someone is going to die" sure enough it happened. When you give these kids who are supposed to be smart, I-pods and a green light, they instantly think they are privileged and can just walk across without looking. As soon as you try to control something that has worked well for years, it gets screwed up. Cootes is a highway. The limit should be back where it was, cars weren't racing and braking like they are now. People were much more controlled and SAFE when they knew that there was a steady run then deceleration ahead. Plus the kids knew to play it safe and either go to the lights or be very, very cautious. Notice how everybody tries to go as fast as they can until the 50km sign so they can be first up at the lights, it's comical, not to mention the people who can't read and think it's 50 all the way. This city is full of stupid street signs, traffic lights and limits. In London (England) you step off the curb outside of a walk, your dead, and the pedestrians know it.

Also, haven't you noticed how busy Main Street is now since they ruined Cootes? And there's tons of Jay walkers who don't get hit along there, because they know they have to pay attention.

Comment edited by woody10 on 2010-01-29 17:49:51

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