Comment 37557

By Tammany (anonymous) | Posted January 28, 2010 at 16:47:09

"I think Tammany was drawing a distinction between laws and conventions in addition to pointing out who is actually posing a risk to whom."

Absolutely. The law is an extremely heavy handed tool for regulating behaviour. I don't think it's at all appropriate to use it in an attempt to prevent pedestrians from putting themselves "in harm's way". Even worse is to invoke the law simply to reduce inconvenience to drivers.

d.knox, I don't quite understand your point about traumatized drivers. Would the existence of a law prohibiting the pedestrian from crossing mid-block somehow comfort the driver who killed or maimed said pedestrian? Should such consolation be available?

Repealing the by-laws which currently regulate pedestrian behaviour is not likely to drastically or even appreciably alter existing pedestrian behaviour. What it will do is deprive drivers of a too convenient means of resisting responsibility for their actions and decisions.

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