Comment 37528

By Tammany (anonymous) | Posted January 28, 2010 at 11:58:28

Why not? A pedestrian struck by a fast moving bicycle is still likely to sustain injuries, even if those injuries are likely to be far less serious than those which would have resulted from an automobile.

Cycling is still a risky and dangerous activity, just less so than driving.

In my view, I think it's good policy to regulate dangerous behaviour and very bad policy to regulate non-dangerous behaviour. As a corollary point, the more dangerous the activity, the more regulation it should be subject to. Thus, driving should be regulated by a panoply of laws and restrictions; cycling should still be regulated but to a much lesser extent; and walking should not be regulated at all.

There should be no laws regulating how and where I choose to walk in a public space. The regulation of pedestrians is an unfair and unethical transfer of responsibility from drivers.

A pedestrian wants to cross a street mid-block half asleep and with headphones blaring? Such a decision may be "foolish" but it should never be illegal.

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