Comment 37484

By Meredith (registered) - website | Posted January 27, 2010 at 13:24:48

i have nothing to offer from the parental side, but i really like the conversation happening above ^^

Maybe because we didn't have a lot of money, I was never able to bring change for the vending machines or get drinks/snacks after activities even when my peers were. Funny thing is... it didn't kill me :)

I just finished giving a copy of my own meal plans and such to a few people - one who runs a budgeting group, one who was looking at their own eating habits.

It's incredibly hard to get information on things as simple as recipes or meal planning that isn't dispensed, sponsored, written, manipulated or otherwise massaged by a certain group, whether that's a company or a group dedicated to ____________ (dads, moms, weightlifting, antioxidants, natural food, the wonders-o-Crisco-an'-Velveeta, you fill in your own blank there...)

I can say, ever since I started living on a third-floor walk-up and carrying my groceries up those stairs, my quads and my arms have never been in better shape - not even when I lifting weights three times a week.... which is amazing.

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