Comment 37480

By Tammany (anonymous) | Posted January 27, 2010 at 12:12:22

"Hamilton will be judged by how well it improves the lives of those living in the Beasley. Similarly, Canada will be judged by how well it improves the lives of those living in First Nations and Inuit communities."

Canada already is judged on this basis, and it fails miserably. Even Ahmadinejad has criticized Canada's abhorrent treatment of aboriginal peoples.

That being said, I don't really agree with the sentiment that such judgments are central to the general perception of Hamilton or Canada, respectively. I know where you're coming from -- "a society will be judged by how it treats its weakest members" -- but I think, realistically, that this is largely just bleeding heart rhetoric (unless we're talking about judgment from God). In my mind, there are two crucial tests for Hamilton: firstly, how can it attract and retain a solid middle class population base in the lower city; and secondly, how can it attract and retain innovative businesses which will sustain that middle class population base and allow the city to develop a new identity apart from low-end bedroom community to the GTA.

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