Comment 37349

By jason (registered) | Posted January 24, 2010 at 15:02:09

I agree to some extent that property values are part of the problem, but I think the bigger problem is the speculators who are just sitting on properties, not keeping them up to standards and not being made to by the city. overall property values have been increasing downtown in recent years. Some folks are seeing opportunity to make money such as Core Lofts, London Tap House, etc.....

Property values will never reach their full potential until the speculators get out of town. New owners with vision and a willingness to invest in GOOD projects will make money downtown.

A new batch of businesses are about to open on James North...we'll see how they do.
A new bar, used bookstore and second location of My Dog Joe will be great tenants on James North. Will the surrounding neighbourhood support them? Let's hope so. I know I will.

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