Comment 37223

By woody10 (registered) | Posted January 20, 2010 at 23:28:09

It was hard up-voting and down-voting the posts for this one. I do believe that any investment in this city is to be looked at as positive. This includes the RHVP. I believe that it has and will continue to be advantages to both development and investment, not to mention a convenience for those of us who travel the length of the city regularly when we can't ride our bikes. Also, the PAn-Am games. Future facilities for generations.

The arts in this city is actually quite large and distinguished. Ii had no idea until my girls started growing up and getting involved in ALL aspects, from theatre groups, graphic arts to Dance and vocals. You literally can't go more than two blocks and not see some sort of studio, theatre, school or.... We could also get some of the private schools on board like the HCA or DVSA (if they aren't already) They have been around for awhile and probably could help with many areas of the project. Children can be the key to the initial aspect, parents involve there children and then hang about and spend money in the local shops etc. I might be a bit off on the true nature of the project but I'm assuming all arts are important to the project.

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