Comment 37179

By Really? (registered) | Posted January 20, 2010 at 15:20:33

The Downtown BIA, and subsequently the City, should be pouring all, if not most, of it's resources trying to attracting chains into Gore Park. Currently, there is no longer a full-time Cafe. Infussions was great, and was definately the life-giver of Gore Park.

Attract a Second Cup/Starbucks, maybe a Fast Food chain or two (Wendy's, Harvey's?). Definately get more business-types into the spaces above these shops, along with market-rate lofts.

Encourage more pubs & bars to open up, and encourage those that exist to promote the hell out of their awesome patios (or in the case of The Embassy; get them to open a front-facing one as well).

Gore Park has the Potential (...there's that magic word again...) to be great; but in my humble opinion, I find this plan falls very short of that. Sorry.

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