Comment 37119

By get organized (anonymous) | Posted January 19, 2010 at 11:53:45

I beleive that given the current status of the theatre and it's demolition that concerned folks should turn their attention to buildings like the Connaught and the Federal Building and create movement to saving them before they get to the point that theier owners seek to demolish them due to extreme decay and neglect.

Write letters to the papers not just the Spec, contact City Council, Provincial and Fedreal politicians (especially Federal since they are should be in their ridings since they aren't at work in Ottawa), contact other groups in oher cities especially those that have successfully saved buildings in the past, make it an election issue to save the Hamilton's Heritage. Ask your local councillor to call a Ward meeting to discuss such sites in your ward. Involve your local community orgainzations and even BIAs as decaying buildings serve noone. I recall seeing a program where a developer trying to update and flip a propert in the U.S. faced additional challenges which he took on because his project was part of a heritage area and the city had developed certain guidlines for buildings in this area and was enforced by a board (not sure if they were paid or if it was volunteer) from their local historical Society. could something like this be created here? The city may not go watching and checking but they seem open to partnerships and perhaps this commitee could be one?

If you want these things to be preserved things need to move forward. All too often it seems that people get caught up in an issue only when it has gone beyond the point of no return.

Anyway that's my 2 cents on this matter!

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