Comment 37100

By Sensibility (anonymous) | Posted January 19, 2010 at 03:56:07

I still remember the vibrant Hamilton days gone by, the Century Theatre and on King Street(between John and Mary) the Palace and the Capital Theatres; the Golden Rail and Duffy's Tavern; the Chicken Roost and the Pagoda and elswher within walking the King George Hotel, Fischers Burgundy Room the Grange and the Flamingo, all the night spots and the entertainment that Hamilton Place has never been able to replace; before the "noneed for Jackson Square" which destroyed the community, the fighters Zack,Greenwood, Beckett and Davidson, where are they now? The City fell into the hands of morons and morons perpetuate in present Council. The stores we lost, the Right House, Mills, Eames and Finch's and Robinson's too. Hamilton is now a town without a heart.

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