Comment 37069

By maxclover (registered) | Posted January 16, 2010 at 14:37:12

I'm reading this more than 3 years after it was written, but I have to say that this is the best retrospective on Rae's time as Premier of Ontario I've ever read. It's a pity that he's been branded as the guy who "wrecked Ontario", when in fact he was an extremely competent manager who got the 407 built (so Harris could sell it), and fixed Ontario Hydro (so Eves could try to sell it). He left a smaller deficit coming out of recession than Harris/Eves/Flaherty did in boom times. It's ironic that he's been vilified for spending his way out of a recession by folks who are Harper supporters now.

And he's still the most agile politician currently on the scene. I wonder if his day will come...

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