Comment 36944

By AJ (anonymous) | Posted January 11, 2010 at 06:31:27

Islam encourage to forbidden slavery in many ways in the holy Quran and sonnah most of Islam icons didn’t involved in any kind of slavery and they did encourage Muslims not to, 1400 years ago Islam comes to all nations , and let me be clear about one thing here those barbarian lots of the west people encourage them to be civilized , not to follow Islam and faith , those barbarian if they are not truly faithful and truly Muslims they are the worst people in earth and that in holy Quran , those barbarian use to live from salves trade before Islam , and let me ask question why would people who comes from civilized countries such as UK and USA rather than changing those people habits of slavery mentality they become a big part of it , who is investing in GCC who runes the company's , when you know and you will know that the company spend less than 5% of total profits in employees cost why you don’t talk about it why don’t you change it its simple because you are earning over 2% from that money that company spends ,

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