Comment 36844

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted January 07, 2010 at 13:33:24

sigh We shouldn't be too hard on Capitalist: he's too busy riding his hobby horse to make sensible statements about riding a bike.

Like most suburban kids, I spent a good chunk of my childhood on a bike: biking on the road from the age of nine and put my whole town and beyond at my feet: Grimsby and beyond to St. Catherine's and Hamilton. That said, I'd be reluctant to suggest that anyone under fourteen try to criss-cross lower Hamilton on a bike. A few well-placed bike lanes would make that much safer. And at a very minor cost.

And who will pay for these bike routes? I will and you will. We the taxpayers of Hamilton will. Just like we pay for the expressway in the East end that I never drive on, and the bumpy roads through my neighbourhood, and the arenas and pools that I never use.

-- Kenneth Moyle Hamilton, Ontario

[Comment edited by moylek on 2010-01-07 12:33:41]

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