Comment 36763

By TreyS (registered) | Posted January 05, 2010 at 11:23:22

A Smith's definition of Lazy and Effort just described the attitudes of Southern Europe. I'd much rather be working to live rather then living to work.

Visit a Mediterranean country, Spain, S France, Italy, Greece, Portugal and you won't want to come back to our work, work work lifestyle. Trying to get a bigger house then your neighbour, a newer car, make more money and fame. You'll never win Smith and it'll kill you before 55.

And to be clear. Not many people wake up and say "hey I want to be on welfare". Granted some might prefer it. But largely in my experience some are unemployable for a variety of reasons, some have personality disorders, some have physical disability, mental illness, are full-time care givers to children or elderly parents, some have addictions, some people are just considered "to not fit in" and are constantly fired because of their socializing skills. It's not fair to say that all are lazy. The world is not fair to everyone. There are plenty of stories of people overcoming adversity but for every good news story there is a bad news story.

I'm glad to live in a country that takes care of every citizen to the best it can. Having said that I still don't believe turning the Connaught a centre-piece of downtown into a social housing project. It's too important a building, it's demolition-by-conversion, I don't trust what the current owners say, it's too visible on what should be the most expensive real estate in the City, it's damaging to our outside image and discouraging and embarrassing to our own citizens, it does nothing to help our lack of pride in ourselves.

[Comment edited by TreyS on 2010-01-05 10:24:31]

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