Comment 36754

By Sith (anonymous) | Posted January 04, 2010 at 15:15:41

The $4 tax bit has been around for 10 years...and is out of line. Nobody should eat that garbage and taxes should not be promoting fat people's intake.

But hey, if you like being fleshy and all means...I'll look better next to you.

Moving on, the HST is fine for me as I'm cutting consumption to make up for it.

1. Cable tv: gone...for a savings of 700+ a year (for a middle tier package.)

2. Internet:...GONE...found lots of empty non-protected connections in my condo I can use freely.

3. Travel in Canada: GONE...out of spite I've moved to out of country vacations and out of country flight companies. I even book out using out of country! Besides Canada cannot compete with warm weather and cheap drinks of banana republics.

4. Cell Phone package: Reduced, and only kept because it's only communications device.

Total saved...approximately $1900 a year!

So Canadian Business, hope you like your consumption tax. I will consume just as much, but all of it out of country and non-taxed!

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