Comment 36714

By Tammany (anonymous) | Posted December 31, 2009 at 14:29:22

I agree that much more in the way of high end residential needs to be built, but again the question arises: which comes first, the people or the amenities? Will developers be able to sell expensive condos to middle class people when the amenities they demand are absent? At the same time, it makes little sense for a retailer to invest in a market where there is little in the way of current demand. In some markets, yes, the confidence in future development is so great that some businesses will open shop on a speculation basis, but very few will take that sort of chance with downtown Hamilton.

I disagree that we need high rises. I say fill in the parking lots with low and midrise development first. Banks and financiers need to be shown that quality residential is saleable and sustainable in Hamilton. Overly ambitious projects like the Chateau Royale which maintain high vacancy rates for years after completion only hurt the perception of the downtown as a viable market.

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