Comment 36690

By Tammany (anonymous) | Posted December 30, 2009 at 13:25:52

"Thanks for that blanket statement. I agree - there is a real shortage of quality retail downtown - but to say there isn't any is a real shot to the gut to some of us working really hard at it."

Dave, Really is right? - I certainly had no intention of insulting or undermining the quality independent retail in the downtown; the independent business people downtown are the vanguard of the core's revitalization.

There are a number of smaller retailers whom I frequent downtown, and they are great. But I think you have to admit that for a couple or family looking to live in the downtown, there just isn't the sort of retail ready at hand to support a middle class household.

I suppose we could just say: middle class households should consume less and be content with what IS at hand, but asking people to make fundamental changes to their lifestyle is not a promising strategy to attract new residents to the core. People won't compromise comfort or habit for the "privilege" of living in one of the most stigmatized neighbourhoods in the country.

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