Comment 36684

By Capitalist (anonymous) | Posted December 30, 2009 at 11:43:18


I tried to extend an olive branch to you as I am sympathetic to your situation and you respond by going on a socialistic rant about the flaws in the system and how the world is screwing you over. I was hoping to get an apology from you for the insults you levyed on me (as I had graciously apologized to you for much less serious offences.)

I think I am more inclined now to agree with the comments of the previous poster (A sign of the times...) when s/he said:

"You mentioned above that you were bullied at a previous job. That doesn't surprise me. You sound like one of those people who goes around shoveing your socialist ideas down peoples throats...Your views/work ethics are obviously flawed and seem to have only caused you hardship. Everyone falls on tough times, but you seem to be constantly "down on your luck."

Or, to put it more plainly, you are just a troublemaker.

I will no longer be engaging with you in any debate on this site, as it is a waste of my time, please extend me the same courtesy.

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