Comment 36663

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted December 29, 2009 at 19:26:48

Capitalist writes: What’s the matter grassroots, did Harris cut your welfare cheque and force you to go and work for some greedy capitalist?

I have been on welfare three times in my life, once in 1986 when I separated, with a child, I had a job within three days, in 2004, because a temp company refused to give my ROE after six months, I ran out of money and could not access EI. After gettng a job, which I lost to workplace bullying, I sued for wrongful dismissal and won, I again had to access welfare as my EI had run out before securing working again. I took one cheque, the "workfare" rules are too much. I was forced to take a job, well beneath my skill level, at minimum wage, which I probably would of taken, if not that had to work for three weeks for nothing. The job was almost out in Winona, not on a bus route, and would have to pay gas, which I had no money to pay for and the reality is if you take money from a line of credit or if a friend or family member helps you out, they consider that as income as well and will deducted that from the next cheque. I mean would you go to work and not get paid? My OW worker knew what I was saying. I did not hand in my cards for the next cheque, what was the point, as I would of been cut off anyways. I survived but at great emotional cost.

I have worked probably harder then you ever had to, I have a post secondary education, I was upgrading my skills, Mac/Mohawk program in Labour Studies, when I lost my job last April. I have spent numerous hours volunteering in the community.

My EI will run out soon and I have not yet secured work. I will be entitled to $572.00 per month, which does not pay my rent, never mind all my other obligations. So I could be in the streets, one of those "bums". But of course you are too busy stepping on people to really f&*king listen to the realitites people, workers face.

So if I have problems, where does that leave those who do not education, skills, those who may have undiagnosed disablilites such as learning disabilites? those who may have addiction problems? Even if a worker is sick, has no benefits or even injuried where they can no longer work, must wallow on welfare for about three years before accessing ODSP.

You are a arrogant, selfish, egotistical person, who lives and judges people. In fact I would say it was people like yourself, that "KILLED" DOWNTOWN. Go shop at the Gap, pay big prices for garbage, who cares that a worker is paid pennies for making that product, just so you can feel "so important", in your so called fancy duds.

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