Comment 36659

By Michelle Martin (registered) - website | Posted December 29, 2009 at 18:29:41

I think you mean Mary Martin.

My last name is so common, even in combination with my first name, that it is one reason why I gave up on Facebook-- kept getting random friend requests, didn't want to email back to let them know I wasn't who they were looking for (don't like giving my email address to people I don't know). I know Facebook convention requires that I simply ignore them, but this felt rude to me. This, in combination with the fact that I would be extremely conservative about what I would put up, caused me to drop it after a few weeks. I deactivated my account, but from what I've read since, if you really want all the info on your page to disappear from cyberspace, you have to manually delete everything on your page before you deactivate it.

Mind you, there were no social repercussions for me doing this; and because of the age and tendencies of my cohort, I don't have to worry about being a member in order to see what is being said about me, or what pictures are being posted from social events I've attended, or to organize getting together for group projects on campus.

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