Comment 36590

By Capitalist (anonymous) | Posted December 26, 2009 at 15:28:42

Thanks for defending me so eloquently seacb.


A few points about me grassroots. I am not a rich snob who hates the poor or the disabled. I was born in Hamilton from an immigrant family. They came here 50 years ago and took crappy jobs working in construction or as seamstresses because they could not speak english. Instead of pissing all their money away like so many do today they saved for the future, learned the language and improved their lot in life by purchasing a home and found better work at Hamilton's steel industry. They did not get knocked up at 16. They did not do drugs or get drunk every weekend. They did not seek to live in subsidized housing all their lives. Basically they had a sense of responsibility.

We live in a country where good health care and education is provided for all. Social services exist for people who fall on hard times and require assistance. I know what it is like to be unemployed grassroots, I don't wish it on anybody. I took advantage of what this country had to offer. I got a good university education right here in Hamilton and paid back all my student loans within one year (I didn't piss my money away at Daytona Beach like other students, I waited until my loans were paid off to do that) and was able to find a good job in my field.

Grassroots, I do not hate the poor. When my family came here we were poor as sh$t. I understand that there are people who have disabilities, or they come from bad families with abuse etc. What I hate are the people who live off the system and expect everybody else in society to provide for them. People who refuse to work even though they can. I hate people who fail to take responsibility for themselves and seek a better life particularly when we live in a country that provides people with so much assistance to do so. These are the bums that Hamilton has too many of.

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