Comment 36550

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted December 23, 2009 at 22:18:20

Any Given night 2007:

You will note Mr Moyle, that the 53% of the population staying at the emergency shelters are singles between the ages of 30 to 49.

So one could say that you are purporting your own form of misleading hyperbole.

With the econcomic crisis, with EI claims that jumped 150% and welfare claims climbing. Who knows now what the actual numbers are at the present time?

facts about the shelters:

most are closed during the day time hours staying at a shelter most likely means just a mat on the floor you have no privacy, sharing space with "strangers"

So while the Regal was a fleabag hotel to most, it was home for those who stayed there. So instead of a room with some privacy, they got a mat on the floor, which is shared space by many.

It should also be noted that are problems with long term care facitilities as well. Peer to Peer has documented that people who may have complaints or concerns, are "THREATENED TO BE EVICTED".

There must be a process in place where people can lodge complaints against those long term housing facilities where the bullies roam free and have the bullies removed. Everyone has the right to air their concerns, no matter where they live, without fear of losing their lodgings!!!

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