Comment 36499

By Really? (registered) | Posted December 21, 2009 at 17:25:06

Agreed, Jason. IMO they should have used Ottawa Street as the big draw, not Barton Street (since everyone in the Greater Hamilton Area already has a set stigma associated with Barton Street.. EVERYbody!)

I also like the idea of affordable ownership options. I also believe that the East End is experiencing a resurgeance in population, especially in regards to Young, Urban Professionals (YUPpies). I have 3 friends from my old suburban neighbourhood who have moved into the East End (Centre Mall-Gage Park areas) over the last 5-or-so years, primarily due to the ultra-cheap husing stock and NOTHING to do with the RHVP; Infact it was easier to access the RHVP from our old Suburban neighbourhood than from the Centre Mall area.

It's too bad that 'the Centre on Barton' was done so Backwards & Cheap, or this neighbourhood could have been better than any neighbourhood in Hamilton, including the ultra-urban Downtown 'hoods.

If you plan on buying a unit here, kudos to you! But don't forget to rent a Personal Crossing Guard if you want to walk from shop-to-shop at the 'Centre on Barton'.. which is, as Trey has pointed out several times, the worst name ever!

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