Comment 36342

By TreyS (registered) | Posted December 15, 2009 at 20:21:23

Great analogy Ryan

I'm recently back from a trip to the US, and was surprised to see so many toll roads and bridges, in a country that hates taxes more then terrorism. I'm left to wonder why we don't poll tax our highways and bridges in Ontario.

I was a 'foreigner' using their highways and bridges, some of the local people may never use or drive on them, so why would they be subject to subsidizing me travels..?

Put a toll over the Hamilton Skyway Bridge and put a toll on the RedHill Expressway and a toll at the top of the Chedoke Expressway (for some reason now called the Ancaster Hill) and the Linc.

The image of an open highway, a 1960 Mustang and full tank of gas = freedom, democracy and liberty. Is one of the biggest scams ever pulled on Americans. When in fact, the road, the vehicle and the fuel were all socially subsidized. And to think the US hates anything 'socialist'.?

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