Comment 36330

By TreyS (registered) | Posted December 15, 2009 at 16:16:51

GST is more efficient when it comes to calculating, collecting and submitting. and not trying to go through the morass of exemption forms and chronic RST audits, monthly billing and late penalites. GST lets me do it once a year and gives me 6 months. RST wants it done every month, or at a minimum every 3 months it depends on sales and gives you 20 days. So GST efficient rating = once a year.. RST efficiency = 4 - 12 x a year. Filling out one tax form is BS... that's the spin.

My other points are still relevant. Don't make this a political issue. Hudak vs McQuinty or whatever. Just look at the tax. Just the tax. I don't care who's bringing it in, supporting it, or against it. It sucks regardless for the same reasons.

Border economies will suffer. US shoppers can't get back the GST spent. on hotels or retail. Tourism is already being killed by high dollar and passport issues. This is another nail.

Ontario business to business services will be less competitive. Like I mentioned, a US client basically can hire me and not pay tax for consulting. I'll charge GST, they'll pay me fee + GST, I'll submit the GST but they claim a full GST rebate. Now what, they'll see my normal fee + 13%??? Of which none of it is rebated. They'll freak and maybe decide to not use Canadian bases services anymore. Even if our dollar drops to mid 70s, I still lost my competitive price advantage.

I'm still predicting it will cause a war between Ottawa and QP. In the Maritimes it doesn't because they get Ontario income tax money in the form of equalization funding. Which I do support equalization!!. so don't change the subject. I like all my fellow Canadian citizens to enjoy equal public services regardless of where they live in the country.

Please pay attention to the details of the tax. From all perspectives and not through Party glasses.

[Comment edited by TreyS on 2009-12-15 15:17:59]

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