Comment 36326

By TreyS (registered) | Posted December 15, 2009 at 15:33:17

HST also just made border regions much less competitive. US shoppers can get back their GST on purchases. That'll be gone. So Niagara Falls tourism industry prices just went up 5% or they take a 5% loss.

My business also just got 13% less competitive from providing business services to the US. A US client was only subject to GST and that was rebated.

Everyone needs to fully understand the harm HST is going to cause.

The other point, that is not mentioned. Is that businesses paid directly to Ottawa or Queens Park. Now we'll all pay Queens Park and they'll be the tax collector for Ottawa.

Queens Park and Ottawa have been fighting over equalization payments forever... now that Queens Park will be holding the former GST bag o money, they'll be able to use it as ransom in Ottawa over the equalization money. You don't pay us, we won't pay you.... You'll see that is coming too.

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