Comment 36167

By rusty (registered) - website | Posted December 09, 2009 at 18:42:16

Nobody is demonizing suburban dwellers here. Of course we all move to wherever it is we can afford. All that's being said is that there is a false economy at work and it needs to be addressed. Yes that would mean short or medium (or probably long...) term pain for many folks but that's no argument for saying it's not the most prudent thing to do.

As for buying your food rather than queuing up for it, sure - road tolls will be more accessible for those that can afford it. This is no different to the way we eat today. Those of us with no moola eat crappy food. This creates a valid concern with Ryan's hypothosis: Even if we charge for road use, what assurances would we get that transit would improve exponentially? (Would the poor lose out again?)

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