Comment 36163

By Inhocmark (registered) | Posted December 09, 2009 at 17:20:24

See, some people move out because of necessity. My wife and I were living in a very transit friendly area of Southwestern Toronto that we quite liked. I was a walk to the GO Train or the TTC Rail Line was right outside my door and she was a 10 minute drive against traffic into Mississauga.

But the reality is living in that area and owning a home (which can run $450-$500k for 1200sq ft) was not in our reach and in order to afford to get out from under the thumb of a landlord we had to go to where we can afford.

It's a convenient excuse of those who are quick to roll their eyes at people who move out the suburbs to point out that we chose to move out to a place with limited transit. I say that if you look at areas of the world where Transit work, people live a lot farther out of major areas than a lot of us in the Golden Horsehoe do and have access to better transit and that any comprehensive transit plan needs to address those areas and beyond.

Honestly, it's tough to encourage people to use transit when they only have access to one or two unreliable routes. And it is those people you have to convince to abandon their cars for any sort of transit initiative to work.

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