Comment 36148

By Dwayne Brown (anonymous) | Posted December 09, 2009 at 13:15:35

I am all for buying less "crap". Unfortunately, our economy has not only promoted the production and sale of un-needed "crap" (a lot of it coming from China and non-Canadian sources!!), but it's also being sustained by those products. So in spending less, does that not imply that at some point we'll need to raise taxes once again to make up the shortfall? Why not have an HST that just fluctuates, without limit, up and down depending on how much or how little of the "crap" that people buy. We could then rid our culture of "crap" and end up paying 30%+ sales tax. Gee, that sounds like a plan! Of course, we'll have to redefine the current roster of products available on the market as essential and non-esential "crap". Perhaps if all levels of government actually made an effort to protect, promote and engage citizens from all socioeconomic backgrounds by creating jobs, building stronger communities, and focusing on leaving no-one behind, rather than protecting the power structures that have been mindlessly guarded and propped up through thick and thin just to keep them in their cozy, oak-panelled 19th century enclaves, we wouldn't be debating this issue at all. What a dysfuntional, mismanaged mess! And at the end of the day, it's all just talk! No one is going to do anything about HST or any other tax including municipal infrastructure levys because "we need to do our part". One way or the other, talk does not trump action. Citizen inaction is just what our governments are relying on.

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