Comment 36147

By man of straw (anonymous) | Posted December 09, 2009 at 12:59:19

>>"What do YOU people think that people should starve, have the CAS take their children away because they can no longer afford to pay heat and hydro because they have lost their jobs?"

For crying out loud Grassroots, stop beating on that strawman! NO ONE is saying people should starve or have there children taken away because their poor. OK? NO ONE. Stop saying it. Stop accusing people (like Meredith, who at least goes by her real name) of it. Just stop.

I can tell your angry. Sure there's lots to be angry about. I'm angry too, and embarassed we do such a crap job of taking care of poor people. But the author has made it clear what he's trying to say (see his comment ^^ from earlier today) but you're not listening to that, you're throwing stuff at shadows.

People are going to stop paying attention to you if you keep ranting and refuse to listen to what people are saying.

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