Comment 36116

By No HST (anonymous) | Posted December 08, 2009 at 02:19:16

You can also be sure any benefit many businesses do aquire, this will not be passed on to the consumer yet any increase in price from suppliers will directly be dumped on the buyer.

Before we let the government "simplify" and increase the amount of tax they expect, I think the government needs to show it is responsible, something I do not think it can do. After all do you lend more money to somone if they just take it and throw it away? We have too many successive examples of corruption, oversight and misspent tax money from all levels of government just to allow them to dig even deeper. Instead of rolling over yet again, people need to take both Federal and Provincial Governments to task to prove their ability to handle the money and not just shore up leaks in their clumsy and careless spending.

Instead, we need to stem all the jobs being bled by both the economy and the multitude of big company's laying off and using the economy to try to make due with less and work their employees harder instead. More workers more taxes. We cannot cut jobs for "restructuring" or "improving efficiency" and expect people to afford more tax. And this tax idea attacks the poorest along with the rich as it is dependant on purchases instead of income. Kind of an equal opportunity rip off only some could afford it, many cannot, and the majority will have to tighten even further to make ends meet.

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